KitaMo Molecular Models


     Custom-Made Models

KitaMo Custom-Made Models
are built using precisely-machined parts,
resulting in permanent three-dimensional
representations of chemical structures.

Our ball-and-stick molecular models
are typically built to a scale of
1 centimeter per Angstrom (100 million times actual size),
miniatures compared to most available models.
The Sodium Chloride model shown with a 250 mL beaker

and 6-inch test tubes demonstrates this compact scale.
The models are lightweight, yet rigid enough to handle.

The atoms/ions are represented by colored beads with drilled holes.
Beads of various sizes may be used to indicate relative dimensions.
Available bead diameters are 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16 millimeters.


The bonds are represented by precisely-cut
stainless steel wire links (typically 0.7 mm diameter).
The bonds can be bare metal, or colored with paint or plastic tubing.
Colors enhance the appearance of the bonds
and help to distinguish between bond types
(e.g., covalent bonds are colored while ionic bonds are bare metal).
One-color and two-color bonds are available.


Our custom-made models are built to be permanent static structures
and are assembled with epoxy and cyanoacrylate adhesives.
 Single bonds may be allowed to rotate so that the model can be displayed in the preferred conformation.

It is during assembly that the final accuracies are realized.
The best achievable tolerances are ± 1 degree for the bond angles
and ± 0.5 mm for the bond lengths.

Complete structural details are required for custom models.
These details are best supplied in an electronic format
that can be opened in Jmol (e.g., PDB).
Also required are the scale, color scheme, accuracy
and display/mounting preference.

For details on preparing your custom model specifications
please consult the KitaMo Custom Model Design Guide.



KitaMo Custom-Made Models are NOT TOYS.
   Allow children to handle them only with close adult supervision.
   They are built with structural integrity,
       but can easily be damaged by mishandling.


   Kits and Models for


       Molecular Visualization